Shop opening vomFASS Stamford, England

vomFASS Stamford in England is open! 🎉
Since 25 August 2023, the team of Simon Mobey and his wife Michelle has been welcoming customers at 1-2 St. Paul’s Street in Stamford. The first weeks went very well and the two new franchise partners have directly become multi-unit partners 💚 – the second location is already being implemented. We are very pleased about this strong presence in the UK and are looking forward to further developments.

Handover vomFASS Hamburg-Tibarg, Germany

On 01 August 2023, a change took place at the vomFASS shop Hamburg-Tibarg at Tibarg 21. After almost 6 years, Ingo Stein is handing over his business to Claas Ahlers and retiring.

Claas Ahlers already is franchisee with his vomFASS shop in Celle, which he took over a year ago. We are pleased to be able to accompany a franchise partner on his way towards becoming a multi-unit partner. Dear Mr. Ahlers, we think it is wonderful that you are expanding with us and wish you just as much joy and success in Hamburg-Tibarg.

Our products are AWARDED again!

Every year again:
The results of the Superior Taste Awards 2023 from the International Taste Institute have been evaluated. A wide variety of products are evaluated by a jury of top chefs and sommeliers. We were able to win 2 stars for our new Apricot Balsam. ⭐️⭐️ We are happy that we were also able to convince an independent jury of the quality of our products. We have received a lot of praise and recognition for this recipe and are naturally proud.

A Superior Taste Award winning product is one that has undergone sensory evaluation by professional taste experts and achieved an average score of over 70%. This means that the product is well made, balanced and delicious. Thousands of products are judged each year, but only the best are certified. The jury is made up of more than 200 professional chefs and sommeliers.
Each jury member is carefully selected based on their tasting experience; they have been spotlighted by cooking and sommelier competitions or by top institutions such as Le Guide Michelin and Gault & Millau.
The Taste Institute’s jury members, who come from over 20 countries, are all external and independent. Their knowledge of taste and ability to provide relevant feedback are constantly assessed and monitored by the Taste Institute’s tasting committee.

Shop opening vomFASS Landsberg am Lech, Germany

On 01 July 2023, Tanja Bruins and Severin Köhl opened their vomFASS shop in Vorderer Anger 276 💚 and are now on hand for all Landsbergers.

After five years without vomFASS in Landsberg, all former customers and all curious new customers can now come to Vorderer Anger to Look • Taste • Enjoy. Landsberg is now also glowing turquoise again and the first customers have expressed their delight.

Welcome to the vomFASS family, you two! We wish you all the best and much success.

Shop opening vomFASS Memmingen, Germany

On 30 June 2023, Marko Kavedzija and Clementia Zorniger opened their vomFASS shop at Maximilianstraße 2 in Memmingen and are looking forward to welcoming all new and old customers. Many Memmingen residents certainly still remember the former vomFASS shop and are looking forward to the fact that it is now once again glowing turquoise in Memmingen.

Welcome to the vomFASS family, you two! We wish you all the best and much success 💚

vomFASS is the MOST SUSTAINABLE FRANCHISE SYSTEM in the German-speaking world!

Since our founding in 1994, we have pursued a resource-conserving approach to our products and packaging materials. Over the years, we have been able to make our production more climate-friendly and set up a sustainability strategy. These efforts are also noticed externally, as shown by the sustainability awards from the German Franchise Association (Deutscher Franchiseverband e.V.) and the Austrian Franchise Association (Österreichischer Franchise-Verband ÖFV).
vomFASS is the first franchise system to receive both awards at the same time!

From 2026, the EU requires small and medium-sized enterprises to report on their environmental and social efforts – we have already been recording the impact of our value creation on the climate in great detail since 2021 and have published it in an initial climate balance. A comprehensive sustainability report will follow in the summer. 💚

Our Sustainability Manager Tobias Haußmann presents together with Thomas Kiderlen (the owner of vomFASS) the two awards 🏆 in our wine cellar.

vomFASS WON the 2023 Sustainability Award! 🎉

On 27th April 2023 vomFASS was awarded the 2023 Sustainability Award from the German Franchise Association in Berlin, and we are super happy and excited!

CEO of Cronbank AG, Wolfgang Becker, said: “Only a few companies have anchored the sustainability aspect in their business model as much as vomFASS… Future-oriented management requires responsible action across the entire value chain. This includes sustainably aligning all activities of the headquarters, rebuilding the supply chains socially and ecologically and bringing the partners – around 285 worldwide – to the adoption of a uniform sustainability strategy. In order to achieve this, [vomFASS] has created the position of a sustainability manager. With [the company’s] size, this is an exceptionally far-sighted step… this is an impressive way how the basic sustainability idea of the business is further developed, inspired and raised to a new level.” he sums up.

The vomFASS Family is thankful and grateful for this honor and recognition!

f.l.t.r.: Gunther Veit, Dustin Andrews, Kelly Hupfer, Thomas Kiderlen

Shop opening vomFASS Ratingen, Germany

Our partner John Kleine-Möllhoff, who already runs the vomFASS shop in Essen, opened his second shop on 01 April 2023!

Karl Oetzbach is active at the Ratingen location at Oberstraße 8 as managing director and advises customers.
We are pleased that our products can now also be purchased in Ratingen and warmly welcome you, dear Mr Oetzbach, to the vomFASS family. We wish you much success and fun.

Handover vomFASS Bocholt, Germany

On 30 March 2023, Stefanie Fischer opened her vomFASS shop with her team at Nordstraße 8 in Bocholt.
We are pleased that the people of Bocholt will continue to be able to buy our products and we are sure that our customers have found a competent and friendly successor in Ms Fischer.
Dear Stefanie, welcome to the vomFASS family! We wish you all the best and much success.

For 10 years, Astrid Coersmeyer ran the previous vomFASS shop in Osterstraße with heart and soul. We would like to sincerely thank Ms Coersmeyer for her commitment, her loyalty and her dedication!


Handover vomFASS Köln-Lindenthal, Germany

On 01.03.2023, the vomFASS shop in Cologne-Lindenthal at Dürener Straße 212 was handed over from Mattias Eder to Brian Singh. Brian completed his apprenticeship in the shop and continued to work in the shop after successfully completing it. He is very familiar with the processes and the customers know him.

Dear Brian, welcome to the vomFASS family! We are delighted that you have decided to take over the business and wish you good sales and lots of fun in the future.

Dear Mr Eder, thank you very much for your work over the last few years in Cologne-Lindenthal. The entire vomFASS team says goodbye and wishes you all the best.